Samyang CI Evolution

Changes in the Samyang logo over 100 years of history

  • 1924 ~ 1940

    When the character '養(yang)' is fully written out, it represents 'Eight Kings Food (八王食, Pal Wang Sik),' signifying 'a meal for all’. To express this concept,
    a ‘王 (king)’ symbol is positioned in the center, encircled by eight wings.

  • 1941 ~ 1950

    It has maintained the original form of existing CI, which features a ‘王 (king)’ representing the traditional meaning of '八王食 (Pal Wang Sik, a meal for all)',
    placed at the center. And slight modifications to the eight wings were made.

  • 1951 ~ 1983

    It represents 'Sam' (meaning 'three') with three central lines and simplifies
    the 8 wings by intersecting them with four straight lines, creating eight corners.
    This symbolizes Samyang's ambition of expanding into various businesses.

  • 1984 ~ 2004

    Designed to commemorate the 60th anniversary of its founding, this CI represents
    a deeply-rooted tree and the sun rising with the promise of tomorrow, embodies the images of a long history, a sound corporate spirit, and the pursuit of everlasting development.

  • 2005 ~ 2015

    This is the CI created to commemorate the 80th anniversary of its founding.
    With a design that emphasizes dots, this represents Samyang's material technology applied to numerous products under the label 'Ingredients.' And the 4 colors symbolize harmony and balance in everyday life.

  • 2016 ~ 2024

    Since 2016, Samyang has been using this CI that uses the symbol of 'quotation marks' to represent Samyang's products and services, which people can encounter anywhere in life, presented in a friendly visual. The three colors symbolize Samyang's essence of sharing abundance and convenience.

  • 2025 ~ Current

    This is our primary logotype. The authoritative all-caps design has a visual symmetry and rigidity that makes it recognizable and ownable in equal parts.
    The logotype uses confident geometric lettering, which reflects Samyang’s strong brand foundations. An emphasis on diagonal letter forms draws the eye to the center of the logo, commanding attention in any space.


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Posted on March 28, 2023