Inspirational phrases
from former CEOs

“The mission of a corporation is to contribute to the
nation and society. We should build businesses
that are needed by our country and society.
The pursuit of profit alone is not the sole purpose of a corporation; it must also serve as a cornerstone of the national economy.”

Sudang Kim Yeon-su, Founder and Chairman

“I am convinced that for our society to stand upright, each individual must follow the right path. This is advice offered as common sense from someone who has spent a lifetime striving to stay on the right path in society.”​

Namnyeong Kim Sang-hong, Honorary Chairman

“Business is about achieving industrial development through manufacturing.
To reach this goal, we must focus on technology advancement and talent development. Neglecting these areas endangers not only the corporation’s sustainability but can also negatively impact the national economy. This was my father's view on business and it is a belief I firmly uphold as well.”​

Namgo Kim Sang-ha, Honorary Chairman

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Posted on March 28, 2023