Top 100 Highlights
Challenges and Innovation:
100 Years of Footprints
Early Stage (1924 - 1950)
The dream of national economic
independence and modernization

*In the ‘Early Stage’, there are n stories.
Early Stage summary
Pioneering Stage (1951 - 1974)
Diversifying businesses to contribute to
a prosperous national life

*In the ‘Pioneering Stage’, there are n stories.
Pioneering Stage summary
Leap Stage (1975 - 1987)
Starting anew after half
a century of foundation

*In the ‘Leap Stage’, there are n stories.
Leap Stage summary
Growth Stage (1988 - 2003)
Securing a future growth engine through
the enhancement of its business structure

*In the ‘Growth Stage’, there are n stories.
Growth Stage summary
Development Stage (2004 - 2010)
Creating corporate value through
abundance and convenience

*In the ‘Development Stage’, there are n stories.
long-term management objectives and firmly established itself as a global R&D corporation.
The following stories will be uploaded sequentially, and we kindly request your continued attention.
Revival Stage (2011 - 2020)
Transforming into a stronger Samyang
through continuous innovation

*In the ‘Revival Stage’, there are n stories.
and it remained committed to advancing its core businesses
while continuously creating value in new fields.
The following stories will be uploaded sequentially, and we kindly request your continued attention.
Expansion Stage (2021 - 2024)
Unending Challenges beyond
a century-old corporation toward
a better future

*In the ‘Expansion Stage’, there are n stories.
as a global specialty corporation based on R&D by focusing on health & wellness,
semiconductor materials, and ESG initiatives.
The following stories will be uploaded sequentially, and we kindly request your continued attention.