Samyang in Numbers

Take a look at Samyang's key achievements and historical moments
from the past 100 years, quantified in numbers.

Part. 1

The record of
growth over 100 years

Samyang achieved development and innovation in various areas of life since 1924.
We now prepare ourselves for another big leap forward in the coming 100 years.

What is the area of land created
by Samyang on the sea?

Samyang conducted land reclamation projects on the vast sea to create
new farmland and promote economic independence for our nation.

Past reclaimed land area


6 times the size of Yeouido
(a district in Seoul)

How much has Samyang grown so far?

Starting with one business site in 1924, Samyang has continuously grown and now holds numerous business sites and affiliates not only in the domestic market but also in various countries around the world.

Business sites

38 domestic,
17 overseas


12 domestic,
19 overseas


Samyang’s proud technology

Samyang develops core technologies based on various expertise
and is committed to enhancing future technological competitiveness,
recognized for its practicality.

  • First patent
    application date


  • Patent application

    Weekly application count


  • Total registered count


Formula for Samyang’s growth over
100 years: Based on trust

By achieving consistent revenue growth, Samyang has earned the trust of its
customers and has produced tangible results, growing into a global corporation.

  • Total assets

    7.7trillion won

  • Revenue

    4.9trillion won

  • Net Profit
    (for the fiscal year)

    3,387billion won

    *As of December 2023

Samyang's DNA of
nurturing talent for 100 years

Grounded in Samyang's philosophy of 'providing opportunities to fulfill dreams' in social contributions,
Samyang provides diverse opportunities for individuals to develop into exceptional talents.

Cumulative beneficiary count


Yang Young,
Sudang Foundation

Cumulative benefit amount

billion won
Part. 2

Outstanding results achieved
through sustained efforts

Samyang has filled various aspects of our lives with abundance
and convenience through constant challenges and efforts.

‘EASY TOMORROW’, the absolute presence of
hangover relief products

The consumption of 'EASY TOMORROW' before drinking has emerged
as a new drinking culture, leading to high sales figures and ongoing rapid growth.

  • day
  • hour
  • second

86,400 sale

Samyang's technological prowess leading
in core materials development

Samyang is moving towards a better future together by advancing our portfolio of existing businesses,
expanding the variety of high added-value products, and developing unrivaled R&D capabilities

  • No. 1 global market share
    Surgical suture thread
    Cumulative sales
    since 1998


    236million km
    When converted into distance,
    it could encircle the Earth
  • The main raw material
    for polyester fiber, TPA
    The number of garments
    produced using TPA
    2,497billion pieces
  • Core materials used in various industries,
    Products produced with PC compound
    Automotive headlamps
    million units
    million units
  • Ion Exchange Resin,
    Technology for
    Clean Water
    Amount of water
    purified over 48 years
    The period of time in which all
    South Korean can use it for water
    in their daily lives.

    3,715billion m3


Part. 3

Samyang is
creating special value

Samyang is establishing the first-of-its-kind record in Korea
through the creation of value in new fields.

The first title
achieved domestically
by Samyang

Samyang’s passion for making South Korea a technological powerhouse

Through its persistent spirit of challenge and continuous research achievements,
Samyang has earned recognition for its outstanding technical prowess,
becoming a catalyst for spreading the reputation of a globally leading corporation that pioneers change.

  • 1976, First domestic commercial production of ion exchange resins for ultrapure water
    Until then, South Korea had been dependent on imports for ion exchange resins used in ultrapure water applications. However, in 1976, Samyang achieved a significant milestone by producing ion exchange resins domestically for the first time, solidifying its position as the nation's sole specialized corporation in cation and anion ion exchangeresins.
  • 1995, Development of the anticancer drug ‘Genexol’ using plant cell culture technology
    In 1995, Samyang Group succeeded in the mass production of Paclitaxel, an anticancer drug substance, and ‘Genexol’ for the first time in South Korea, leveraging its plant cell culture technology.
  • 2023, Commercialization of eco-friendly material 'Isosorbide’
    Samyang Group successfully commercialized Isosorbide, an eco-friendly bioplastic material that can replace petrochemical materials, for the first time in South Korea and second in the world.

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Posted on March 28, 2023